Live near Waynesboro? Get a massage from our nationally certified massage therapist!
Beneficial Effects of Massage:
Relaxes muscle spasms
Improves muscle tone
Helps to prevent or delay muscular atrophy resulting from forced inactivity
Disperses edema following injury to ligaments and tendons, lessens pain and facilitates movement
Dilates blood vessels
Improves circulation
Relieves congestion
Increases number of red blood cells (especially for anemia)
helps return venous blood to the heart
Stretches connective tissue
Improves circulation and nutrition
Breaks down or prevents formation of adhesions
Reduces danger of fibrosis
Heightens tissue metabolism
Encourages retention of nitrogen, phosphorous and sulfur necessary for tissue repair
Improves circulation and nutrition
Hastens elimination of harmful deposits
Helps lessen inflammation and swelling
Alleviates pain